
Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Electronic Watchdog - Features of the New Model By Jack Krohn Platinum Quality Author

The electronic watch dog is perhaps the most effective and popular home security device on the market today. It has been around for a long time but a new version of the old barking dog alarm has some cool features you should know about.
You may already know the basics about this alarm that can be used for home security or business security. In case you don't here they are.
It uses "radar-wave sense control" that allows it to "see" thru wood, glass, brick, cement et. al. up to twenty feet away. It has a 100 degree filed of view. When someone enters that area the sound of an angry barking dog starts.
By the way, police tell us that the sound of a barking dog is the most effective deterrent for burglars.
"In a recent Colorado Springs Gazette article, David Husted crime prevention officer of the Falcon Division of the Colorado Springs Police department was quoted as saying 'The sound of a big dog barking is a really good deterrent, too.' Asked if he'd spend money on an alarm or dog 'I don't know, I may just go with the dog, if it's got a really good bark.' "
The unit is nine inches tall and uses AC power. Just plug it in aim in the direction you want to protect and using the new remote control arm or disarm the unit. It also has a new panic alarm feature. Volume and radar sensitivity are adjustable.
One of the new features allows you to connect one additional sensor-a motion sensor or a door/window sensor. This greatly expands your capability for home or business security.
Business owners love the electronic watch dog for their retail stores. Change the setting and it will announce customers with a chime or alarm.
The older model was very popular-the new features will make this almost a must have for home or business security. As a bonus as my California customers know this barking dog alarm is great for scaring bears out of their back yards.
Jack Krohn owns Security Solutions and is the author of over 400 articles on self defense and home security.
Check out these great home/business security products and learn more about them.
The great Electronic Watchdog barking dog alarm.

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