
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Apple says that iPad 2 is in great demand

Apple officials are saying that the demand for the new iPad2 is amazing to say the least. There were long lines reported when the product was debuted at 5 p.m. last Friday night, with many people seemingly wanting to be first to own it.
According to analysts, the new iPad 2 was sold out at a majority of the places it was being offered by the end of the first day of sales.  As of Sunday, Apple customers shopping at the online store found out they would have to wait three to four weeks to get an iPad 2, no matter what model they wanted to buy.
Apple says they are working hard to make sure that everyone who wants a new iPad 2 can get one as fast as possible.
Apple hasn’t said exactly what the number of iPad 2s were sold during the weekend. Wall St. Journal says they believe that between 400,000 and 600,000 units were sold in three days and some analysts say it could be even more. Wedbush Securities analysts have even said they think Apple sold nearly a million of the iPad 2s in the opening weekend.
The new iPad 2 was debuted at about 10,000 retail stores all over the U.S. If they did indeed sell one million units, each place would have had to sell about 100 units. This amount seems easy to achieve, but no one knows for sure if Apple even gave each store 100 to sell. All that’s known is that in some places, the available amounts sold out in 10 minutes.
A technology analyst said that no one expected it to be that crazy and that the iPad 2 was sold out in virtually every location it was sold at, with most gone by Saturday. Had the stores had more available, it’s thought many more could have been sold.
In a poll of 200 iPad 2 buyers, 70 percent were first time buyers, 51 percent already owned a Mac, and of the buyers 47 percent got the 3G version of the iPad 2 and 41 percent bought one with the 32 GB of storage.

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