
Monday, June 28, 2010

Flower Full Moon May 2010 By Loy Young

Did you ever wonder where the Full Moon names came from that we use in the United States? They came from the Native American tribes that lived here long before the Europeans arrived. They named the Full Moons according to the unique characteristics of the month, which helped them to track the passing seasons. There was some variation between tribes in the names given. May, for instance, is known as the Flower Full Moon because of the abundance of flowers that were blooming everywhere. Another name was the Full Corn Planting Moon, as the frosts were over and it was time to plant their corn. When the European settlers arrived, they kept this Native American custom and of course added some names of their own. For instance, the English called the May Moon the Milk Moon.
Beauty is the Astrological Theme
As the astrological theme for the year 2010 through 2011, which began with the Vernal Equinox announcing spring, is beauty, the Flower Full Moon name seems most appropriate. All you have to do is feast your eyes on all the gorgeous flowers in full bloom throughout the United States to fully grasp the unfolding task ahead of us for the year in everything we do.
New Moon on May 13, 2010
The Moon Goddess's Flower Full Moon has its beginning at the New Moon May 13, 2010 6:05 pm PDT. We will not see the Moon at this time, as she is in the shadows, between Mother Earth and the Sun. It is at this exact time that the Sun is fully illuminating the Moon Goddess back side with his sun rays. If you are sensitive, you could very well feel a pull on your emotional nature. Keep a look out for the Moon Goddess's crescent moon which will be appearing in the next two or three days, truly always a beauty to behold.
Magical Seven Day Moon Goddess Cycle
The first three days are a time of preparation, the Full Moon itself and three days afterward to assimilate. Your purpose is to awaken your intuition, as your wisdom beyond logic unfolds.
Prepare your Physical Body
On Monday, May 24, you want to embrace your physical body, give it your attention. What's unique about your body, the beauty that you want to accentuate? If you haven't given it much attention and it's out of shape, today's the day to take charge. Remember by the end of the astrological year, you want to reach another level of bringing your inner beauty to the outside.
Prepare Your Emotions
On Tuesday, May 25, your feelings can give you the easiest access to your intuition, so transform any feelings that do not reflect the beauty, the potential you know is within you today.Ensure your tone of voice is loving today to everyone you meet. And it goes without saying; steer clear of any toxic emotional relationship issues today.
Prepare Your Mind
On Wednesday, May 26, inspiration is the key to clearing out your mind and bringing it into a place of beauty. Sounds have a way of lifting you into your intuition. Listen to inspirational music that will uplift you today.
Flower Full Moon
On Thursday, May 27 at 4:08 pm PDT, you have a full twenty four hours to receive the Moon Goddess's Full Moon illumination, twelve hours before the actual time and twelve hours afterward. As much as you can, stay in silence and let your intuition take the lead. The Full Moon is a time when the veil between life and death is dropped and during your waking consciousness, you can often receive directly from your higher self that is not in this physical dimension.
For the next three days, it is time to integrate what you have received from your higher self.
Mental Day
On Friday, May 28, concentrate on mental clarity. This Full Moon occurred during Gemini, a time of understanding. It's time to understand that this whole astrological year is really about for you. How will you fully activate the beauty that you know is within you and bring it all the way out where it's easily seen, just like the beautiful flowers that are in bloom everywhere during the month of May.
Emotional Day
On Saturday, May 29, integrate what you received emotionally. Today is all about the relationships in your life. Transform any conflict into beauty, as toxic relationships are ugly and will keep you from becoming who you deserve to be this year. Find what you truly accept about other people as well as yourself, and voice it.
Physically Day
On Sunday, May 30, integrate what you received physically. It is Memorial Day weekend. What action can you do today that adds more beauty to your environment? Why not decorate with flowers, they are in abundance everywhere.
Accomplished astrologist and relationship specialist, Loy Young is devoted to teaching personal empowerment embracing the cosmic energies. Become skilled at creating exceptional relationships and live a remarkable life. Sign up for her FREE Zodiac signs and forecasts newsletter. Use the monthly energies to enhance your relationships and daily life. Visit Loy at
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