
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Google Circle Rumor

There are rumors going around that Google will be releasing its own social network. Speculations have been seen around the web and Google Circle has also been the Trending Topic in Twitter. People are wondering if Google is working on its own social networking site and what its focus would be.

It is still undetermined if the new social networking site, if ever there really is one, would center on music, movies, or games. Google Circle or Google Me is said to be a Facebook killer. That might be wishing a lot from the supposed Google project since the company hasn’t have any luck on its social projects.

The Google Wave tried to be a Twitter rival but the company didn’t manage to get the masses hyped enough and last August Google gave up on the idea. So it is surprising to hear all the speculations about Google’s social project.

Three were lots of talks the Google will launch Google Circle at the SXSW in Austin, Texas. But the rumors were shut down by the company when it announced through Twitter that it will not launch anything in SXSW.

There are rumors that state that Google isn’t working on its own social networking site but it is working to make some of its products more social. Analysts say that Google should do something about Facebook dominance. Both companies don’t compete directly with each other but they do compete for user time and attention.

Google Circles, Media Sosial Ala Google

TEMPO Interaktif, California - Tergiur dengan kesuksesan Facebook dan Twitter, Google Inc. berencana meluncurkan sebuah media sosial Mei mendatang. Jejaring sosial dengan nama Google Circle itu

Sejak Jum'at pekan lalu, rumor mengenai media sosial buatan Google ini telah marak di Twitter. Sayangnya, dalam acara South By Southwest (SXSW) di Austin, Texas, Google menolak berkomentar mengenai rencana media sosial tersebut.

"Kami tidak meluncurkan produk pada acara yang dibuat orang lain," tulis Google. "Kami juga tidak mengomentari rumor dan spekulasi."

Sebelumnya, Vice President of Consumer Products Google, Marissa Mayer mengatakan salah satu "titik lemah" Google selama ini adalah di sisi media sosial. Dia merekomendasikan raksasa teknologi asal California itu tidak terlena dalam mengembangkan software saja namun juga "bangkit" untuk memberikan layanan jejaring sosial kepada konsumen.

Telegraph|Rini K
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