
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Theatre Show Tickets

By John Smith Stevenson

If you search for show tickets, you'll find numerous different sites offering all they can for you to buy your tickets from them. The smaller names is what we're interested in and getting people interested in local theatre again. There are blogs all over the internet for local theatre, which is great, in Birmingham for instance there is a small theatre called The Crescent, a wonderful theatre, run by the community and volunteers, but these guys are performers from across the Birmingham theatre scene, they will do shows here for exposure but you're more than likely to see them performing at the REP or the Alex.

If you search for London Shows or London Theatre Tickets the results are in their thousands on what show is the best for you to see and why.

Rather than sitting in a stuffy London theatre for 2 hours surrounded by tourists.

In Birmingham, The REP theatre company has just announced it's Christmas show for this year; Sleeping Beauty, always a classic and fun for all the family as is always the case at the rep, but it's not in it's usual location, The REP theatre company's usual location is being refurbished for the Cities bid for city of culture in 2013, the company is touring this year and their Christmas show will be on the crescent theatre, for more info visit the rep's website or one of the many blogs around about Birmingham theatres.

If theatre interests you and you want to go along to local theatre then search your local venues for smaller shows, you'll be surprised as to the ticket offers you can get for local theatre, here's a good blog that I found for finding local London Theatre Tickets.

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